courogen communications

Posts in category Uncategorized

It is not about who wins; It is about...

It is not about who wins; It is about the story

The editor was apologetic. It caught me off guard a little. Editors, I always assumed, have a handbook. Rule number one in that playbook was never apologize.

At least that had been the case most of the time when I was a reporter full time. Edit mistakes into your copy? You should have been clearer so […]

De-mystifying field hockey

De-mystifying field hockey

It’s a ball. Not a puck. No contact is allowed in field hockey, but call it a ball and you’ll be reminded how rules are made to be broken. From the outside, it’s a cult. Hard to understand, with illogical rules that have been explained as “if a player does something that looks like a […]

Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery